Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Learning To Be a Mom: Toddler Family Home Evening Idea

A couple weeks ago I posted about how our family is trying to be more consistent at having one night a week where we spend time together in a family home evening. For our family home evening we sing, play and teach. Recently I started wondering how much we are teaching Sweet Girl about Jesus. Even though she is still very small, I think it is important for her to start learning about Jesus and how important he is.

To start teaching her we played a game called "Jesus Looks Like Me." I printed off pictures of different body parts and put them into a box. Sweet Girl pulled them out one at a time. First she pulled out the picture of the eyes. I asked her where her eyes are, then I held up a picture of Jesus and asked her where Jesus' eyes are. At then end for our activity we sang the song "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes."

These evenings have been a lot of fun so far. We spend a lot of time together as a family, but these evenings are special. It gives us a chance to remove all other distractions and focus on our family. It is also the perfect setting for teaching Sweet Girl all sorts of important things. Plus we have fun and eat treats. What's not to love?

Source: http://www.learningtobeamom.com/2012/08/toddler-family-home-evening-idea.html

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