Friday, May 11, 2012

Spooner's Spin: On Same-Sex Marriage

? ? ?Vice President Joe Biden recently tried to speak about President Obama's feelings about Gay Marriages.? He was not able to clearly distinguish between his own position the President.? This is another example of the difficulty many American are having trying to properly evaluate the rights of certain behaviors that individuals have because laws or courts say they have and other rights which are perceived to be endowed by the Creator.?

?? ? The President says that his opinions on the matter has evolved. My own opinion has both evolved and devolved over the years.? For individuals who are gay, the desire to have both their nature and their relationships with each other legitimized is no less than human.? They did not cause themselves to feel and be urged to act as they do.? They are products of time, nature and the hands of God just as are heterosexual individuals. ?

?? ? Heterosexuality propagates the human species. ? The benefits of homosexual relationships, however, is not clearly evidenced in nature, and any future benefits are difficult to conjecture.? We therefore cannot predict whether socially accepted same-sex unions eventually will be an asset or a detriment to the future of mankind.

For example, time could prove that, while heterosexuals can have children, homosexuals will be better at rearing them because they appreciate them more.

?? ? But even as members of the gay and lesbian community want their feelings and needs acknowledged and legitimized by members of the religious community, they must understand why many people of faith who find such behavior to be contrary to the teachings of that faith have trouble embracing gay unions.? People whose religious faith is firm, whose lives and convictions are inextricably intertwined in a relationship with God cannot divorce themselves from the convictions of that faith just to accommodate people whose nature puts them, through no fault of their own, at odds with that faith.

?? ? The evolution of attitudes must be a two-way proposition.? It is no different from the evolution that must occur for people of one faith to conclude that, if there is one God, He must be the God of all faiths.? Just as heterosexuals must be considerate of the need for homosexual relationships to be legitimized, members of the homosexual community must recognize the possible negative consequences if a society satisfies their needs by ignoring the teachings of its faith which are the foundations of its existence. ?

? ? The sexual urges some priests showed toward young boys cannot be made right just because the priests' urges were strong, natural and beyond their ability to control.? The same can be said of sexual behavior of teachers with students, and pastors with members of their congregations. ? Strong natural urges do not justify such actions, despite any mutual consent.? And there are many other human urges which our society expects member to control.? Otherwise, nothing will be wrong.?

?? ? Many people of faith who condemn homosexuals, their relationships and their desire to have their unions called marriages accept adultery, bearing false witness (lying), covetousness (greed) and other behaviors that are contrary to the teachings of their faith.? The gay community is asking: If members of the Christian faith accept or ignore these behaviors which are contrary to the Judea-Christian teaching, why object to their condition, their feelings and their need for meaningful and loving relationships.? After all, same-sex unions are more consistent with Biblical teachings that individuals should have only one partner.?

?? ? Love makes people of faith to be considerate of the needs of the gay communication, but perhaps cannot compel heterosexuals to believe the same-sex unions should be labeled marriage they don't believe that. To many Christians, marriage refers to the union of a man and a woman.? The union of two people of the same gender has to be something else.? But being something else does not mean something less, anymore than being being male or female means being less than the opposite gender.

?? ? I previously suggestion:? Marriage is for Mixed couples. Larriage for Lesbians? and Garriage for gays. with each having the same legal standing.? A woman does not have to be called a man in order to be equal to a man, equally respected and have the same rights.? Gays may be putting too much emphasis of what the union is called.? Not all roses are red.? ? ?

?? ? Homosexual Americans cannot help who or what they are and how they feel about each other anymore than heterosexuals can control how they feel about members of the opposite sex.? Denying them the right to unite in what they choose to be called a marriage forces them to live together in unmarried and sinful unions.? (Remember, gay people also can be people of faith.)? Most such people who genuinely embrace a religious faith consider such living together with sexual engagement of unmarried people to be sinful.? Granting legal same-sex unions the title marriage, to them, implies divine approval.? It also is far less a moral offense than attempting to either force gay and lesbian couples to deny the nature of their sexuality and to live in relationships which even they consider to be sinful. ?

? ? In the absence of God's revealing different answers to us in this age where most Americans accept the fact that homosexuality is not a choice,? He likely expects us to error on the side of love.? That means by facilitating and wishing happy, loving and faithful unions for these couples, not being on the side of pettiness about what same-sex unions should be called.

?? ? Every person of faith who eventually has come around to support gay marriage has had that change in attitude evolve.? Give President Obama time.? But also grant him and others of faith the right to never be persuaded that the word "marriage" should be attached to what should otherwise be legally, socially, and respectfully accepted unions. ? ?

?? ? Just as most people of one religious faith do not dislike people of different faiths, similar feelings apply about those whose sexual urges and preferences don't conform to social or biological norms.? ? .?

st nicholas st nicholas mindy mccready mindy mccready cliff harris cliff harris josh turner

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